F. Franck (eb.eg1734980318eilu@1734980318kcnar1734980318F.F1734980318), Photobiology, University of Liege
Interaction between mitochondria and chloroplasts in Chlamydomonas, H2 production

F. Sluse (eb.eg1734980318eilu@1734980318esulS1734980318.F1734980318), Bioénergétique et physiologie cellulaire, University of Liege
Comparative proteomics

P. Motte (eb.eg1734980318eilu@1734980318ettoM1734980318.kcir1734980318taP1734980318), Cellular and molecular biology of plants, University of Liege
Characterization of SR factors involved in RNA splicing in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

N. Bonnefoy (rf.fi1734980318g-srn1734980318c.mgc1734980318@yofe1734980318nnob1734980318), Centre de Génétique moléculaire, Gif-sur-Yvette
Mitochondrial transformation of C. reinhardtii

D. Gonzalez-Halphen (xm.ma1734980318nu.cf1734980318i@neh1734980318plahd1734980318), Departamento de Genetica Molecular, Instituto de Fisiologia Celular, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Characterisation of Mitochondrial ATP synthetase

Patrice Hamel ( ude.1734980318uso@617349803181.lem1734980318ah1734980318), Ohio State University
Mitochondrial complex I biogenesis

Gilles Peltier, CEA Cardarache, France
Chloroplastic NADH dehydrogenase

Francis-André Wollman / Giovanni Finazzi, Institut de Biologie Physicochimique (IBPC), Paris, France
Regulation of Photosynthesis

Laurence Marechal Drouard, Strasbourg, France
tRNA import machinery


Former Collaborations

B. Devreese and J. Vanbeeumen (eb.tn1734980318egu@e1734980318seerv1734980318ed.tr1734980318ab1734980318), Laboratorium voor Eiwitbiochemie en Eiwitengineering Universiteit Gent
Identification of complex I subunits by Mass spectrometry

I. Bourges (ku.ca1734980318.lcu@1734980318segru1734980318ob.i1734980318), Mitochondrial Genetics, The Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research, The Cruciform Building, University College London
Characterisation of human mitochondrial mutants

L. Bovet (hc.en1734980318inu@t1734980318evoB.1734980318neicu1734980318L1734980318), Université de Neuchatel, Faculté des Sciences, Physiologie végétale, Emile Argand 13, CP3, CH-2007 Neuchâtel 7, Switzerland
Heavy metal and oxidative stress in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii