The MiTSoPro team is organizing the seminar “Dealing with Ethics in Social Science: Research Workshop”. The seminar will take place on the 15th of February 2019 at Salle du Conseil, Batiment B31, Sart-Tilman (ULiege).
Répondre aux impératifs éthiques en sciences sociales: Séminaire de recherche
Dealing with Ethical Requirements in Social Science: Research Workshop
(Séminaire du projet ERC MiTSoPro, bilingue anglais/français)
Date: 15.02.2019
Location: Salle du Conseil, Batiment B31, Sart-Tilman
Invited Speaker: Dr. Florence Caeymaex, ULiège, Department of Philosophy Organizer: Dr. Jean-Michel Lafleur (FNRS/FASS/CEDEM)
In the past years, the issue of ethics regulation has become a much more complex but also pressing matter for social scientists using qualitative methods. This is in part due to ethical clearance procedures imposed by funding institutions, which are in turn linked with major global interests in issues such as privacy and data protection.
This workshop aims to address in more depth the challenges social science researchers face when dealing with much more structured and formalized ethical demands. Our reflection will hover around several question: How do social scholars navigate the changing landscape of advisory documents and legally binding codes of conduct? How do the latter influence the different stages of a research project, from its inception and funding application, to its completion and dissemination? How and when did higher standards of ethical practice become associated with better research? What does it mean to cultivate the skills of ethical research from the point of view of the researcher?
Also, we will have a group discussion in which colleagues from ULiège, FASS or other faculties are invited to share their experience of “ethics in practice” focusing on (but not limited to) 3 key issues: ensuring informed consent, managing reciprocity and benefit-sharing with vulnerable participants, balancing the well-being being of research participants with one’s own well- being.
13:00 – 14:00
Conférence d’ouverture (FR) par Florence Caeymaex (Présidente du Comité d’éthique en sciences humaines et Sociales de l’Université de Liège): Gouverner par l’éthique : enjeux pour les sciences sociales
14:00 – 14:30
14:30 – 15:00
Presentations from MitSoPro team members (ENG/FR): how we responded to EU ethical requirements in our research design and the difficulties we met
15:30 – 16:00
Feedback from discussants and the public on MiTSoPro’s “ethical decisions”
16:00 – 16:30
Coffee Break
16:30 – 17:00
Ethics in practice (ENG/FR): exchanging experiences (FASS researchers are invited to share their experience, particularly on the issue of informed consent, ensuring reciprocity, and ensuring the well-being of researchers and participants during data collection and after)
17:30 – 18:00
End of workshop