Faculty of Social Sciences, CEDEM,
Quartier Agora (Sart-Tilman),
Place des Orateurs, 3 – Bât B31- Bte 24 , 4000 Liège, BELGIUM
Félicien de Heusch joined the Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM) at the University of Liége in September 2018 as a PhD candidate within the European Research Council (ERC)-funded project “Migration, Transnationalism and Social Protection in (post-) crisis Europe (MiTSoPro)”, under the supervision of Dr Jean-Michel Lafleur.
Before joining the CEDEM, he completed a double MA degree in Immigration Studies at the University of Liège and the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, as well as a BA in Anthropology at the National University of Córdoba in Argentina.
His research interests include: social protection, community and family strategies, transnationalism, Senegalese and Haitian migration, migration routes, street vending and social movements. He conducted fieldwork in Argentina, Brazil, Senegal, Spain and Belgium.